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User Fees

The PRC has designed a modular pricing model where cost of an analysis is based on what needs to be done. Pricing is based on use of resources. All components charged and used for an analysis are shown on our invoices and the cost of all components are available for Fiscal Year 2025 (July 1 2024 through June 30 2025) . Internal Rockefeller users can access sample information, progress as well as invoices at: . Prices for walk-up instrumentation is shown here.

We understand that it can be difficult to understand and decide which tools/components are needed for an analysis and we have therefore shown the components and costs of typical requests below.

      • Simple SDS-PAGE gel band analysis ($ internal / $ external).
        1  Digestion......................$    86 / $   143
        1  LC-MS/MS hour..................$    88 / $   150
        Total.............................$   174 / $   293
      • Co-ip/Affinity type analysis with two conditions and 3 biological replicates ($ internal / $ external).
        6  Reduction & Alkylation.........$   174 / $   330
        6  Digestion......................$   516 / $   858
        6  Clean-up.......................$   222 / $   444
        12 LC-MS/MS hour..................$ 1,056 / $ 1,800
        Total.............................$ 1,968 / $ 3,432
      • Phosphopeptide enrichment and analysis ($ internal / $ external).
        1  Reduction & Alkylation.........$    29 / $    55
        1  Digestion (large)..............$   118 / $   185
        1  Clean-up (large)...............$    47 / $    68
        1  Phosphopeptide Enrichment......$   125 / $   199
        Total.............................$   583 / $   957
      • TMT-based protein quantitation of 16 samples ($ internal /$ external).
        16 Reduction & Alkylation.........$   464 / $   880
        16 Digestion (large)..............$ 1,376 / $ 2,288
        16 TMT labeling w/label check.....$ 2,320 / $ 3,888
        1  Mg-amount cleanup..............$    47 / $    68
        1  Micro-fractionation............$   339 / $   508
        20 LC-MS/MS hour..................$ 1,760 / $ 3,000
        Total.............................$ 6,450 / $10,744
      • Pilot Exp. with 8 injections to profile 200+ metabolites ($ internal / $ external).
        1  8 injections...................$ 1,236 / 
        Total.............................$ 1,236 / 
      • Profiling of 200+ polar metabolites in 36 samples ($ internal / $ external).
        1  8 injections...................$ 1,236 /
        28 LC-MS/MS per injections........$ 1,176 /
        Total.............................$ 2,412 / 
      • DDA experiment and Profiling of 200+ polar metabolites in 30 samples ($ internal / $ external).
        1  8 injections...................$ 1,236 /
        28 LC-MS/MS per injections........$ 1,176 /
        1  Database query.................$   309 /
        Total.............................$ 2,721 / 

Internal Rockefeller users can access pLIMS sample information, progress, and final invoices using the link below.
Sample Status


The Rockefeller University
The Proteomics Resource Center, Box 105
1230 York Avenue
New York, NY 10065-6399