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Data generated from Cell Sorting


IMPORTANT: No external HD or flash drives are permitted for use. Data generated from instruments or workstations of FCRC have to be moved to Rockefeller University File Store (RUFS, also called CFS) for storage or transferring to personal devices. For instructions click on Rockefeller Cloud Storage & File Shares.

For Data generated from Assisted Cell Sorting:

  1. Collected data are transferred to corresponding Laboratory Shared Folder on Rockefeller University File Store (RUFS, also called CFS) by the morning of the next business day.
  2. Researchers are responsible to make archival copies of their data, preferably the next day after Cell Sorting.
    1. We suggest that researchers make at least two copies of the data and store them in separate locations.
    2. To conserve CFS space and costs, we suggest removing originals from CFS as soon as you have made copies of your data.
  3. For operation purposes, the FCRC retains data since 2002 but makes no guarantees of the retrievability of data that is older than six months.
  4. To make sure the data auto-transfer works properly, the folder itself should NOT be deleted or renamed.