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Azzopardi SA, Lu HY, Monette S, Rabinowitsch AI, Salmon JE, Matsunami H, Blob...
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Role of iRhom2 in Olfaction: Implications for Odorant Receptor Regulation and...

The cell surface metalloprotease ADAM17 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease 17) and its binding partners iRhom2 and iRhom1 (inactive Rhomboid-like proteins 1 and 2) modulate cell-cell interactions by mediating the release of membrane proteins such as TNF alpha (Tumor necrosis factor alpha) and EGFR (Epidermal growth factor receptor) ligands from the cell surface. Most cell types express both iRhoms, though myeloid cells exclusively express iRhom2, and iRhom1 is the main iRhom in the mouse brain. Here, we report that iRhom2 is uniquely expressed in olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs), highly specialized cells expressing one olfactory receptor (OR) from a repertoire of more than a thousand OR genes in mice. iRhom2-/- mice had no evident morphological defects in the olfactory epithelium (OE), yet RNAseq analysis revealed differential expression of a small subset of ORs. Notably, while the majority of ORs remain unaffected in iRhom2-/- OE, OSNs expressing ORs that are enriched in iRhom2-/- OE showed fewer gene expression changes upon odor environmental changes than the majority of OSNs. Moreover, we discovered an inverse correlation between the expression of iRhom2 compared to OSN activity genes and that odor exposure negatively regulates iRhom2 expression. Given that ORs are specialized G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and many GPCRs activate iRhom2/ADAM17, we investigated if ORs could activate iRhom2/ADAM17. Activation of an olfactory receptor that is ectopically expressed in keratinocytes (OR2AT4) by its agonist Sandalore leads to ERK1/2 phosphorylation, likely via an iRhom2/ADAM17-dependent pathway. Taken together, these findings point to a mechanism by which odor stimulation of OSNs activates iRhom2/ADAM17 catalytic activity, resulting in downstream transcriptional changes to the OR repertoire and activity genes, and driving a negative feedback loop to downregulate iRhom2 expression.
Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, ...
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Search for long-lived particles using displaced vertices and missing transver...

PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2024 JUN 5; 109(11):? Article 112005
A search for the production of long-lived particles in proton- proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeVat the CERN LHC is presented. The search is based on data collected by the CMS experiment in 2016-2018, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 137 fb(-1). This search is designed to be sensitive to long-lived particles with mean proper decay lengths between 0.1 and 1000 mm, whose decay products produce a final state with at least one displaced vertex and missing transverse momentum. A machine learning algorithm, which improves the background rejection power by more than an order of magnitude, is applied to improve the sensitivity. The observation is consistent with the standard model background prediction, and the results are used to constrain split supersymmetry (SUSY) and gaugemediated SUSY breaking models with different gluino mean proper decay lengths and masses. This search is the first CMS search that shows sensitivity to hadronically decaying long-lived particles from signals with mass differences between the gluino and neutralino below 100 GeV. It sets the most stringent limits to date for split-SUSY models and gauge-mediated SUSY breaking models with gluino proper decay length less than 6 mm.
Gao QH, Long JL, Liu CY, Liu HY, Ran H, Lacy KD, Kronauer DJC
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Ooceraea hainingensis sp. nov.: A new Chinese Ooceraea (Hymenoptera, Formicid...

ZOOKEYS 2024 JUN 19; ?(1205):101-113
The clonal raider ant, Ooceraea biroi , is a queenless species that reproduces asexually, and these traits make it an attractive model system for laboratory research. However, it is unclear where on the ant phylogeny these traits evolved, partly because few closely related species have been described and studied. Here, we describe a new raider ant species, Ooceraea hainingensis sp. nov. , from Zhejiang, China. This species is closely related to O. biroi but can be distinguished by the following features: 1) workers of O. hainingensis sp. nov. have an obvious promesonotal suture and a metanotal groove, whereas these characters are ambiguous in O. biroi ; and 2) the subpetiolar process of O. hainingensis is prominent and anteroventrally directed like a thumb with sublinear posteroventral margin, while in O. biroi , it is anteroventrally directed but slightly backward -bent. Molecular phylogenetic analyses confirm that O. hainingensis is genetically distinct from O. biroi . Importantly, unlike O. biroi , O. hainingensis has a queen caste with wings and well -developed eyes. This suggests that the loss of the queen caste and transition to asexual reproduction by workers is specific to O. biroi and occurred after that species diverged from closely related congeneric species.
Oliveira TY, Merkenschlager J, Eisenreich T, Bortolatto J, Yao KH, Gatti DM, ...
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Quantitative trait loci mapping provides insights into the genetic regulation...

CELL REPORTS 2024 JUN 25; 43(6):? Article 114296
To explore the influence of genetics on homeostatic regulation of dendritic cell (DC) numbers, we present a screen of DCs and their progenitors in lymphoid and non -lymphoid tissues in Collaborative Cross (CC) and Diversity Outbred (DO) mice. We report 30 and 71 loci with logarithm of the odds (LOD) scores >8.18 and ranging from 6.67 to 8.19, respectively. The analysis reveals the highly polygenic and pleiotropic architecture of this complex trait, including many of the previously identified genetic regulators of DC development and maturation. Two SNPs in genes potentially underlying variation in DC homeostasis, a splice variant in Gramd4 (rs235532740) and a missense variant in Orai3 (rs216659754), are confirmed by gene editing using CRISPRCas9. Gramd4 is a central regulator of DC homeostasis that impacts the entire DC lineage, and Orai3 regulates cDC2 numbers in tissues. Overall, the data reveal a large number of candidate genes regulating DC homeostasis in vivo .
Darling C, Kumar S, Alexandrov Y, de Faye J, Santiago JA, Rydlová A, Bugeon L...
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Optical projection tomography implemented for accessibility and low cost (...

Optical projection tomography (OPT) is a three-dimensional mesoscopic imaging modality that can use absorption or fluorescence contrast, and is widely applied to fixed and live samples in the mm-cm scale. For fluorescence OPT, we present OPT implemented for accessibility and low cost, an open-source research-grade implementation of modular OPT hardware and software that has been designed to be widely accessible by using low-cost components, including light-emitting diode (LED) excitation and cooled complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) cameras. Both the hardware and software are modular and flexible in their implementation, enabling rapid switching between sample size scales and supporting compressive sensing to reconstruct images from undersampled sparse OPT data, e.g. to facilitate rapid imaging with low photobleaching/phototoxicity. We also explore a simple implementation of focal scanning OPT to achieve higher resolution, which entails the use of a fan-beam geometry reconstruction method to account for variation in magnification. This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue 'Open, reproducible hardware for microscopy'.
Khavandegar A, Mahdaviani SA, Zaki-Dizaji M, Khalili-Moghaddam F, Ansari S, A...
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Genetic, immunologic, and clinical features of 830 patients with Mendelian su...

Background: Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases (MSMD) is a rare clinical syndrome characterized by vulnerability to weakly virulent mycobacterial species, including Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccines and environmental mycobacteria. Objective: We sought to perform a systematic review of the genetic, immunologic, and clinical findings for reported patients with MSMD. Methods: We searched PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus databases for publications in English relating to MSMD. All full texts were evaluated for eligibility for inclusion. Two reviewers independently selected the publications, with a third reviewer consulted in cases of disagreement. Results: A primary systematic search and searches of other resources identified 16,155 articles. In total, 158 articles from 63 countries were included in qualitative and quantitative analyses. In total, 830 patients-436 males (52.5%), 369 females (44.5%), and 25 patients of unknown sex (3.0%)-from 581 families were evaluated. A positive family history was reported in 347 patients (45.5%). The patients had a mean age of 10.41 6 0.42 (SEM) years. The frequency of MSMD was highest in Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. Lymphadenopathy was the most common clinical manifestation of MSMD, reported in 378 (45.5%) cases and multifocal in 35.1%. Fever, organomegaly, and sepsis were the next most frequent findings, reported in 251 (30.2%), 206 (24.8%), and 171 (20.8%) cases, respectively. In total, 299 unique mutations in 21 genes known to be involved in MSMD were reported: 100 missense (34%), 80 indel-frameshift (insertion or deletion, 27%), 53 nonsense (18%), 35 splice site (12%), 10 indel-in frame (2.7%), 6 indel (2%), and 15 large deletion/duplication mutations. Finally, 61% of the reported patients with MSMD had mutations of IL12RB1 (41%) or IFNGR1 (20%). At the time of the report, 177 of the patients (21.3%) were dead and 597 (71.9%) were still alive. Conclusions: MSMD is associated with a high mortality rate, mostly due to impaired control of infection. Preexposure strategies, such as changes in vaccination policy in endemic areas, the establishment of a worldwide registry of patients with MSMD, and precise follow-up over generations in affected families, appear to be vital to decrease MSMD-related mortality.
Hsu DJ, Tavazoie SF
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Cysteine substitutants emerge in lung cancer proteomes during arginine restri...

MOLECULAR CELL 2024 MAY 16; 84(10):1819-1821
In this issue of Molecular Cell, Yang et al.(1) find that arginine-to-cysteine substitutants are enriched in a subset of lung cancer proteomes, potentiated by arginine deprivation, and promote resistance to chemotherapy.
Yu YP, Kass MA, Zhang MY, Youssef N, Freije CA, Brock KP, Aguado LC, Seifert ...
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Deep mutational scanning of hepatitis B virus reveals a mechanism for cis-pre...

CELL 2024 MAY 23; 187(11):?
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a small double -stranded DNA virus that chronically infects 296 million people. Over half of its compact genome encodes proteins in two overlapping reading frames, and during evolution, multiple selective pressures can act on shared nucleotides. This study combines an RNA -based HBV cell culture system with deep mutational scanning (DMS) to uncouple cis - and trans -acting sequence requirements in the HBV genome. The results support a leaky ribosome scanning model for polymerase translation, provide a fitness map of the HBV polymerase at single -nucleotide resolution, and identify conserved prolines adjacent to the HBV polymerase termination codon that stall ribosomes. Further experiments indicated that stalled ribosomes tether the nascent polymerase to its template RNA, ensuring cis -preferential RNA packaging and reverse transcription of the HBV genome.
Montalban E, Giralt A, Taing L, Nakamura Y, Pelosi A, Brown M, de Pins B, Val...
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Operant Training for Highly Palatable Food Alters Translating Messenger RNA i...

BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 2024 MAY 15; 95(10):926-937
BACKGROUND: Highly palatable food triggers behavioral responses including strong motivation. These effects involve the reward system and dopamine neurons, which modulate neurons in the nucleus accumbens (NAc). The molecular mechanisms underlying the long-lasting effects of highly palatable food on feeding behavior are poorly understood. METHODS: We studied the effects of 2-week operant conditioning of mice with standard or isocaloric highly palatable food. We investigated the behavioral responses and dendritic spine modifications in the NAc. We compared the translating messenger RNA in NAc neurons identified by the type of dopamine receptors they express, depending on the kind of food and training. We tested the consequences of invalidation of an abundant RESULTS: Operant conditioning for highly palatable food increased motivation for food even in well-fed mice. In wildtype mice, free choice between regular and highly palatable food increased weight compared with access to regular food only. Highly palatable food increased spine density in the NAc. In animals trained for highly palatable food, translating messenger RNAs were modified in NAc neurons expressing dopamine D2 receptors, mostly corresponding to striatal projection neurons, but not in neurons expressing D1 receptors. Knockout of Ncdn, an abundant downregulated gene, opposed the conditioning-induced changes in satiety-sensitive feeding behavior and apparent motivation for highly palatable food, suggesting that downregulation may be a compensatory mechanism. CONCLUSIONS: Our results emphasize the importance of messenger RNA alterations in D2 striatal projection neurons in the NAc in the behavioral consequences of highly palatable food conditioning and suggest a modulatory contribution of Ncdn downregulation.
Nelson CM, Xiao BL, Wickström SA, Dufrêne YF, Cosgrove DJ, Heisenberg CP, Dup...
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Mechanobiology: Shaping the future of cellular form and function

CELL 2024 MAY 23; 187(11):2652-2656
Mechanobiology-the field studying how cells produce, sense, and respond to mechanical forces-is pivotal in the analysis of how cells and tissues take shape in development and disease. As we venture into the future of this field, pioneers share their insights, shaping the trajectory of future research and applications.