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Displaying 38 of 2858 articles.

A scent paradise for flies 

One clever way to observe the neural activity of Drosophilae: build them a custom fly treadmill and tempt them with the tangy perfume of apple cider vinegar.

A new approach to Alzheimer’s is unfolding 

Despite decades of scientific struggle, progress been excruciatingly slow. But the tide is turning.

The shape of things to come 

Thanks to cryo-em, the breakthroughs are coming faster than ever for Jue Chen. She explains the exciting applications for medicine and science.

Maybe the virus isn't the problem 

Why do some with COVID end up on ventilators while others get a scratchy throat—and yet others seem to have dodged the virus entirely? Answers are emerging from scientists around the globe.

How to end a pandemic in one jab 

Universal vaccines can give years of protection against polio, measles, and smallpox, among other diseases. Pamela Bjorkman believes HIV, influenza, and COVID are next.

What you get is not just what you see 

Scientists have built a novel AI system that rewrites the rules for computer vision. It might soon turn neuroscience on its head.

The tech that money can’t buy 

What if the tool needed to move science forward doesn’t yet exist? Here are gadgets and techniques born from improvisation that made impossible experiments possible.

Stem cells are growing up 

The controversy and hype have died down. The science is very much alive­, creating new directions for discovery.

Beak speak 

How did songbirds start singing? Neuroscientists are reshaping our understanding of speech—pinpointing the cells and molecules that built it and what happens in the brain when we learn a new word, chirp, or squeal.

Philanthropy 2.0 

Private investments are making it possible to reimagine 21st-century bioscience. Cori Bargmann envisions a future with opportunity for researchers everywhere.