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Two possibilities to get time booked on FCRC instrument when the desired time is not available for booking


PRIMARY OPTION:  FCRC-PPMS option to receive the notification by e-mail if someone cancels booking.

This option is located at the very bottom of the booking page and is very straightforward and self-explanatory:


You will be prompted to the user interface to fill the information about the instrument and the notification period:


This useful automatic tool will keep you updated on the cancellations and will allow you to book time on the instrument if it becomes available.

To increase your chances please make sure to set up notifications for all suitable instruments and proceed on booking as soon as you get notification that the time became available.


SECONDARY OPTION: Consider the possibility to be placed on the FCRC Waiting List which doesn’t guarantee the booking, but in case of occasional time availability will be processed by FCRC Staff based on “First_Requested/First_Booked” policy.

To be placed on the Waiting List, please fill the FCRC Sort Waiting List Form:

  • For each day the separate “FCRC Sort Waiting List Form” should be filled
  • Please make sure to include in the “Additional Notes and Comments” field on the bottom of the form detailed explanation for:
    • Time flexibility (length requested and start time during that day)
    • How much in advance notice you need to have to proceed on the sort (in case it will be booked)

Note 1. In case you change your mind and do not need to have a sort booked, please make sure to cancel the “FCRC Sort Waiting List Form” by replying “Please Cancel” to the Waiting List e-mail you receive when completed the “FCRC Sort Waiting List Form” on-line

Note 2. If time becomes available, “FCRC Sort Waiting List Form” will be processed by FCRC Staff based on “First_Requested/First_Booked” policy without reaching out to you to double-check and confirm your flexibility or/and interest in booking

Note 3. As soon as the sort is booked on FCRC-PPMS, regular “Charges and Fees” will be applied