
Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Updated March 03, 2024
The primary goal of our laboratory is to do excellent science and communicate the results and data openly and freely to all. Therefore, all Vosshall Lab scientific works produced after 2015 are published first on bioRxiv, the pre-print server for biology. We often, but not always, submit the paper to a conventional peer-reviewed journal after it appears as a pre-print.
Because we do not believe that journal names convey meaningful information about the quality or value of published works, we provide here only a list of authors and the title of each work along with links to the paper.
Zeledon EV, Baxt LA, Khan TA, Michino M, Miller M, Huggins DJ, Jiang CS, Vosshall LB, Duvall LB.
Next Generation Neuropeptide Y Receptor Small Molecule Agonists Inhibit Mosquito Biting Behavior
bioRxiv (2024)
Morita T, Lyn NG, von Heynitz RK, Goldman OV, Sorrells TR, DeGennaro M, Matthews BJ, Houri-Zeevi L, Vosshall LB.
Cross-modal sensory compensation increases mosquito attraction to humans
bioRxiv (2023)
Venkataraman K, Shai N, Lakhiani P, Zylka S, Zhao J, Herre M, Zeng J, Neal LA, Molina H, Zhao L, Vosshall LB.
Differential mosquito attraction to humans is associated with skin-derived carboxylic acid levels
bioRxiv (2022)
De Obaldia ME, Morita T, Dedmon LC, Boehmler DJ, Jiang CS, Zeledon EV, Cross JR, Vosshall LB.
Rapidly evolving genes underlie Aedes aegypti mosquito reproductive resilience during drought
bioRxiv (2022)
Sorrells TR, Pandey A, Rosas-Villegas A, Vosshall LB.
A persistent behavioral state enables sustained predation of humans by mosquitoes
bioRxiv (2021)
Younger MA*, Herre M*, Ehrlich AR, Gong Z, Gilbert ZN, Rahiel, S, Matthews BJ, Vosshall LB.
*equal contribution
Non-canonical odor coding ensures unbreakable mosquito attraction to humans
bioRxiv (2020)
Basrur NS, De Obaldia ME, Morita T, Herre M, von Heynitz RK, Tsitohay YN, Vosshall LB.
fruitless mutant male mosquitoes gain attraction to human odor
bioRxiv (2020)
Jové, V, Z Gong, FJH Hol, Z Zhao, TS Sorrells, TS Carroll, M Prakash, CS McBride, Vosshall LB.
The Taste of Blood in Mosquitoes
bioRxiv (2020)
Liu MZ and Vosshall LB
General visual and contingent thermal cues interact to elicit attraction in female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes
bioRxiv (2019)
Matthews BJ, Younger MA, Vosshall LB.
The ion channel ppk301 controls freshwater egg-laying in the mosquito Aedes aegypti
bioRxiv (2018)
Laura B Duvall, Lavoisier Ramos-Espiritu, Kyrollos E Barsoum, J. Fraser Glickman, Leslie B Vosshall
Novel small molecule agonists of an Aedes aegypti neuropeptide Y receptor block mosquito biting behavior
bioRxiv (2018)
Emily Jane Dennis, Leslie B Vosshall
DEET feet: Aedes aegypti mosquitoes use their tarsi to sense DEET on contact
bioRxiv (2018)
Matthews BJ*, O Dudchenko*, S Kingan*, S Koren, I Antoshechkin, JE Crawford, WJ Glassford, M Herre, SN Redmond, NH Rose, GD Weedall, Y Wu, SS Batra, CA Brito-Sierra, SD Buckingham, CL Campbell, S Chan, E Cox, BR Evans, T Fansiri, I Filipovic, A Fontaine, A Gloria-Soria, R Hall, VS Joardar, AK Jones, RGG Kay, V Kodali, J Lee, GJ Lycett, SN Mitchell, J Muehling, MR Murphy, A Omer, FA Partridge, P Peluso, AP Aiden, V Ramasamy, G Rasic, S Roy, K Saavedra-Rodriguez, S Sharan, A Sharma, ML Smith, J Turner, AM Weakley, Z Zhao, OS Akbari, WC Black IV, H Cao, AC Darby, C Hill, JS Johnston, TD Murphy, AS Raikhel, DB Sattelle, IV Sharakhov, BJ White, L Zhao, EL Aiden, RS Mann, L Lambrechts, JR Powell, MV Sharakhova, Z Tu, HM Robertson, CS McBride, AR Hastie, J Korlach, DE Neafsey, AM Phillippy, LB Vosshall. *equal contribution
Improved Aedes aegypti mosquito reference genome assembly enables biological discovery and vector control
bioRxiv (2017)
Dennis EJ, X Jin, M Dobosiewicz, LB Duvall, PS Hartman, CI Bargmann, LB Vosshall
A natural variant and an engineered mutation in a GPCR promote DEET resistance in C. elegans
bioRxiv (2017)
Casey Trimmer, Andreas Keller, Nicolle R. Murphy, Lindsey L. Snyder, Jason R. Willer, Maira Nagai, Nicholas Katsanis, Leslie B. Vosshall, Hiroaki Matsunami, Joel D. Mainland
Genetic variation across the human olfactory receptor repertoire alters odor perception
bioRxiv (2017)
Laura B. Duvall, Nipun S. Basrur, Henrik Molina, Conor J. McMeniman, Leslie B. Vosshall
A Neuropeptide Signaling System That Rapidly Enforces Paternity In The Aedes aegypti Mosquito
bioRxiv (2017)
Julien Wen Hsieh, Andreas Keller, Michele Wong, Rong-San Jiang, Leslie B. Vosshall
SMELL-S and SMELL-R: olfactory tests not influenced by odor-specific insensitivity or prior olfactory experience
bioRxiv (2017)
Andreas Keller, Richard C. Gerkin, Yuanfang Guan, Amit Dhurandhar, Gabor Turu, Bence Szalai, Joel D. Mainland, Yusuke Ihara, Chung Wen Yu, Russ Wolfinger, Celine Vens, Leander Schietgat, Kurt De Grave, Raquel Nore, DREAM Olfaction Prediction Consortium, Gustavo Stolovitzky, Guillermo A. Cecchi, Leslie B. Vosshall, Pablo Meyer
Reverse-engineering human olfactory perception from chemical features of odor molecules
bioRxiv (2016)
Andreas Keller and Leslie B. Vosshall
Olfactory perception of chemically diverse molecules
bioRxiv (2016)
Corfas RA, LB Vosshall
TRPA1 tunes mosquito thermotaxis to host temperatures
bioRxiv (2015)
Matthews BJ, CS McBride, M DeGennaro, O Despo, LB Vosshall
The neurotranscriptome of the Aedes aegypti mosquito
bioRxiv (2015)
Marcelo O. Magnasco, Andreas Keller, and Leslie B. Vosshall
On the dimensionality of olfactory space
bioRxiv (2015)
Kistler KE, LB Vosshall, BJ Matthews
Genome-engineering with CRISPR-Cas9 in the mosquito Aedes aegypti
bioRxiv (2014)
Andrew S. Warren, Cristina Aurrecoechea, Brian Brunk, Prerak Desai, Scott Emrich, Gloria I. Giraldo-Calderón, Omar Harb, Deborah Hix, Daniel Lawson, Dustin Machi, Chunhong Mao, Michael McClelland, Eric Nordberg, Maulik Shukla, Leslie B. Vosshall, Alice R. Wattam, Rebecca Will, Hyun Seung Yoo, Bruno Sobral
RNA-Rocket: An RNA-Seq Analysis Resource for Infectious Disease Research
bioRxiv (2014)
Venkataraman K, Shai N, Lakhiani P, Zylka S, Zhao J, Herre M, Zeng J, Neal LA, Molina H, Zhao L, Vosshall LB.
Two novel, tightly linked, and rapidly evolving genes underlie Aedes aegypti mosquito reproductive resilience during drought
PMID: 36744865 (2023)
De Obaldia ME, Morita T, Dedmon LC, Boehmler DJ, Jiang CS, Zeledon EV, Cross JR, Vosshall LB.
Differential mosquito attraction to humans is associated with skin-derived carboxylic acid levels
PMID: 36261039 (2022)
Herre M, Goldman OV, Lu TC, Caballero-Vidal G, Qi Y, Gilbert ZN, Gong Z, Morita T, Rahiel S, Ghaninia M, Ignell R, Matthews BJ, Li H, Vosshall LB, Younger MA.
Non-canonical odor coding in the mosquito
PMID: 35985288 (2022)
Sorrells TR, Pandey A, Rosas-Villegas A, Vosshall LB.
A persistent behavioral state enables sustained predation of humans by mosquitoes
PMID: 35550041 (2022)
Basrur NS, De Obaldia ME, Morita T, Herre M, von Heynitz RK, Tsitohay YN, LB Vosshall.
fruitless mutant male mosquitoes gain attraction to human odor
PMID: 33284111 (2020)
Jové, V, Z Gong, FJH Hol, Z Zhao, TS Sorrells, TS Carroll, M Prakash, CS McBride, LB Vosshall.
Sensory discrimination of blood and floral nectar by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes
PMID: 33049200 (2020)
Matthews BJ*, Younger MA*, Vosshall LB
The ion channel ppk301 controls freshwater egg-laying in the mosquito Aedes aegypti
*equal contribution PMID: 31112133 (2019)
Liu, MZ, LB Vosshall
General visual and contingent thermal cues interact to elicit attraction in female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes
PMID: 1257144 (2019)
Dennis EJ, Goldman OV, Vosshall LB
Aedes aegypti mosquitoes use their legs to sense DEET on contact
PMID: 31031114 (2019)
Duvall LB, L Ramos-Espiritu, KE Barsoum, JF Glickman and LB Vosshall
Small-Molecule Agonists of Ae. aegypti Neuropeptide Y Receptor Block Mosquito Biting
PMID: 30735632 (2019)
Trimmer C, Keller A, Murphy NR, Snyder LL, Willer JR, Nagai MH, Katsanis N, Vosshall LB, Matsunami H, Mainland JD
Genetic variation across the human olfactory receptor repertoire alters odor perception.
PMID: 31040214 (2019)
Dennis EJ, Dobosiewicz M, Jin X, Duvall LB, Hartman PS, Bargmann CI, Vosshall LB
A natural variant and engineered mutation in a GPCR promote DEET resistance in C. elegans
PMID: 30258230 (2018)
Matthews BJ, Dudchenko, O, Kingan S, Koren S, Antoshechkin I, Crawford J, Glassford W, Herre M, S. Redmond, N. Rose, G. Weedall, Y. Wu, S. S. Batra, C. Brito-Sierra, S. D. Buckingham, C. L. Campbell, S. Chan, E. Cox, B. R. Evans, T. Fansiri, I. Filipovic, A. Fontaine, A. Gloria-Soria, R. Hall, V. Joardar, A. K. Jones, R. Kay, V. Kodali, J. Lee, G. Lycett, S. N. Mitchell, J. Muehling, M. Murphy, A. D. Omer, F. Partridge, P. Peluso, A. P. Aiden, V. Ramasamy, G. Rasic, S. Roy, K. Saavedra-Rodriguez, S. Sharan, A. Sharma, M. Smith, J. Turner, A. Weakley, Z. Zhao, O. S. Akbari, W. C. Black IV, H. Cao, A. C. Darby, C. A. Hill, J. S. Johnston, T. Murphy, A. S. Raikhel, D. B. Sattelle, I. V. Sharakhov, B. White, L. Zhao, E. L. Aiden, R. S. Mann, L. Lambrechts, J. Powell, M. V. Sharakhova, Z. Tu, H. M. Robertson, C. McBride, A. R. Hastie, J. Korlach, D. E. Neafsey, A. M. Phillippy LB Vosshall.
Improved reference genome of Aedes aegypti informs arbovirus vector control
PMID: 30429615 (2018)
Duvall LB, NS Basrur, H Molina, CJ McMeniman, LB Vosshall
A peptide signaling system that rapidly enforces paternity in the Aedes aegypti mosquito
PMID: 29174895 (2017)
Julien Wen Hsieh, Andreas Keller, Michele Wong, Rong-San Jiang, Leslie B. Vosshall
SMELL-S and SMELL-R: olfactory tests not influenced by odor-specific insensitivity or prior olfactory experience
PMID: 29073044 (2017)
Andreas Keller, Richard C. Gerkin, Yuanfang Guan, Amit Dhurandhar, Gabor Turu, Bence Szalai, Joel D. Mainland, Yusuke Ihara, Chung Wen Yu, Russ Wolfinger, Celine Vens, Leander Schietgat, Kurt De Grave, Raquel Nore, DREAM Olfaction Prediction Consortium, Gustavo Stolovitzky, Guillermo A. Cecchi, Leslie B. Vosshall, Pablo Meyer
Predicting human olfactory perception from chemical features of odor molecules
PMID: 28219971 (2017)
Andreas Keller and Leslie B. Vosshall
Olfactory perception of chemically diverse molecules
PMID: 27502425 (2016)
Matthews BJ, CS McBride, M DeGennaro, O Despo, LB Vosshall
The neurotranscriptome of the Aedes aegypti mosquito
PMID: 26738925 (2016)
Corfas RA, LB Vosshall
TRPA1 tunes mosquito thermotaxis to host temperatures
PMID: 26670734 (2015)
Kistler KE, LB Vosshall, BJ Matthews
Genome-engineering with CRISPR-Cas9 in the mosquito Aedes aegypti
PMID: 25818303 (2015)
Warren AS, C Aurrecoechea, B Brunk, P Desai, S Emrich, GI Giraldo-Calderón, O Harb, D Hix, D Lawson, D Machi, C Mao, M McClelland, E Nordberg, M Shukla, LB Vosshall, AR Wattam, R Will, HS Yoo, B Sobral
RNA-Rocket: An RNA-seq analysis resource for infectious disease research
PMID: 25573919 (2015)
McBride CS, F Baier, AB Omondi, SA Spitzer, J Lutomiah, R Sang, R Ignell, LB Vosshall
Evolution of mosquito preference for humans linked to an odorant receptor
PMID: 25391959 (2014)
Bussell JJ, N Yapici, SX Zhang, BJ Dickson, LB Vosshall
Abdominal-B neurons control Drosophila virgin female receptivity
PMID: 24998527 (2014)
Bushdid C, MO Magnasco, LB Vosshall, A Keller
Humans can discriminate more than 1 trillion olfactory stimuli
PMID: 24653035 (2014)
McMeniman CJ, Corfas RA, Matthews BJ, Ritchie SA, Vosshall LB.
Multimodal integration of carbon dioxide and other sensory cues drives mosquito attraction to humans
PMID: 24581501 (2014)
Ito K, Shinomiya K, Ito M, Armstrong JD, Boyan G, Hartenstein V, Harzsch S, Heisenberg M, Homberg U, Jenett A, Keshishian H, Restifo LL, Rössler W, Simpson JH, Strausfeld NJ, Strauss R, Vosshall LB; Insect Brain Name Working Group.
A systematic nomenclature for the insect brain
Supplemental Information
PMID: 24559671 (2014)
Mainland JD, Keller A, Li YR, Zhou T, Trimmer C, Snyder LL, Moberly AH, Adipietro KA, Liu WLL, Zhuang H, Zhan S, Lee SL, Lin A, Matsunami H
The missense of smell: functional variability in the human odorant receptor repertoire
PMID: 24316890 (2013)
Crickmore MJ, Vosshall LB
Opposing dopaminergic and GABAergic neurons control the duration and persistence of copulation in Drosophila
PMID: 24209625 (2013)
Liesch J, Bellani LL, Vosshall LB
Functional and genetic characterization of neuropeptide Y-like receptors in Aedes aegypti
PMID: 24130914 (2013)
Keller A, Malaspina D
Hidden consequences of olfactory dysfunction: a patient report series
PMID: 23875929 (2013)
Gasque G, Conway S, Huang J, Rao Y, Vosshall LB
Small molecule drug screening in Drosophila identifies the 5HT2A receptor as a feeding modulation target.
PMID: 23817146 (2013)
Matthew DeGennaro, Carolyn S McBride, Laura Seeholzer, Takao Nakagawa, Emily J Dennis, Chloe Goldman, Nijole Jasinskiene, Anthony A James, Leslie B Vosshall
orco mutant mosquitoes lose strong preference for humans and are not repelled by volatile DEET
PMID: 23719379 (2013)
Keller A, Hempstead M, Gomez IA, Gilbert AN, Vosshall LB.
An olfactory demography of a diverse metropolitan population.
PMID: 23046643 (2012)
Malaspina D, Goetz R, Keller A, Messinger JW, Bruder G, Goetz D, Opler M, Harlap S, Harkavy-Friedman J, Antonius D.
Olfactory processing, sex effects and heterogeneity in schizophrenia
PMID: 22177347 (2012)
Malaspina D, Keller A, Antonius D, Messinger JW, Goetz D, Harkavy-Friedman J, Goetz R, Harlap S.
Olfaction and cognition in schizophrenia: Sex Matters
PMID: 22772664 (2012)
Tatsuro Nakagawa, Maurizio Pellegrino, Koji Sato, Leslie B. Vosshall, Kazushige Touhara
Amino acid residues contributing to function of the heteromeric insect olfactory receptor complex
PMID: 22403649 (2012)
Shelli F. Farhadian, Mayte Suarez-Farinas, Christine Cho, Maurizio Pellegrino, Leslie B. Vosshall
Post-fasting olfactory, transcriptional, and feeding responses in Drosophila
PMID: 21945372 (2012)
Maurizio Pellegrino, Nicole Steinbach, Marcus C. Stensmyr, Bill S. Hansson, Leslie B. Vosshall
A natural polymorphism alters odour and DEET sensitivity in an insect odorant receptor
PMID: 21937991 (2011)
Kenta Asahina*, Matthieu Louis*, Silvia Piccinotti, Leslie B. Vosshall
A circuit supporting concentration-invariant odor perception in Drosophila
PMID: 19171076 (2009)
Link to electronic version of this article
Link to Additional files for this article
Richard Benton, Kirsten S. Vannice, Carolina Gomez-Diaz, Leslie B. Vosshall
Variant ionotropic glutamate receptors as chemosensory receptors in Drosophila
PMID: 19135896 (2009)
Supplemental Data
Kenta Asahina, Viktoryia Pavlenkovich, Leslie B. Vosshall
The survival advantage of olfaction in a competitive environment
PMID: 18674910 (2008)
Supporting Online Material
Koji Sato, Maurizio Pellegrino, Takao Nakagawa, Tatsuro Nakagawa, Leslie B. Vosshall, Kazushige Touhara
Insect olfactory receptors are heteromeric ligand-gated ion channels
PMID: 18408712 (2008)
Supporting Online Material
Mathias Ditzen, Maurizio Pellegrino, Leslie B. Vosshall
Insect odorant receptors are molecular targets of the insect repellent DEET
PMID: 18339904 (2008)
Supporting Online Material
Matthieu Louis, Thomas Huber, Richard Benton, Thomas P Sakmar, Leslie B. Vosshall
Bilateral olfactory sensory input enhances chemotaxis behavior
PMID: 18157126 (2008)
Supplementary Figures
Silke Sachse, Erroll Rueckert, Andreas Keller, Ryuichi Okada, Nobuaki K. Tanaka, Kei Ito, Leslie B. Vosshall
Activity-dependent plasticity in an olfactory circuit
PMID: 18054860 (2007)
Supplementary Figures
Richard Benton, Kirsten S. Vannice, Leslie B. Vosshall
An essential role for a CD36-related receptor in pheromone detection in Drosophila
PMID: 17943085 (2007)
Supplementary Materials
Andreas Keller*, Hanyi Zhuang*, Qiuyi Chi, Leslie B. Vosshall, Hiroaki Matsunami (*equal contribution)
Genetic variation in a human odorant receptor alters odour perception
PMID: 17873857 (2007)
Supplementary Materials
Andreas Keller, Leslie B. Vosshall
Influence of odorant receptor repertoire on odor perception in humans and fruit flies
PMID: 17372215 (2007)
Supplemental Figures, Methods, and Tables
Supplemental Movie 1
Supplemental Movie 2
Supplemental Movie 3
Walton D. Jones WD, Pelin Cayirlioglu, Ilona Grunwald Kadow, Leslie B. Vosshall
Two chemosensory receptors together mediate carbon dioxide detection in Drosophila
PMID: 17167414 (2007)
Supplementary Data
Richard Benton, Silke Sachse, Stephen W. Michnick, Leslie B. Vosshall
Atypical membrane topology and heteromeric function of Drosophila odorant receptors in vivo
PMID: 16402857 (2006)
Elane Fishilevich, Ana I. Domingos, Kenta Asahina, Félix Naef, Leslie B. Vosshall, Matthieu Louis
Chemotaxis behavior mediated by single larval olfactory neurons in Drosophila
PMID: 16332533 (2005)
Supplemental Data
Elane Fishilevich, Leslie B. Vosshall
Genetic and functional subdivison of the Drosophila antennal lobe
PMID: 16139209 (2005)
Supplemental Z-stack Movies from Figure 2
Walton D. Jones, Thuy-Ai T. Nguyen, Brian Kloss, Kevin J. Lee, Leslie B. Vosshall.
Functional conservation of an insect odorant receptor gene across 250 million years of evolution
PMID: 15723778 (2005)
Keene AC, M Stratmann, A Keller, PN Perrat, LB Vosshall, S Waddell
Diverse odor-conditioned memories require uniquely timed dorsal paired medial neuron output
PMID: 15504331 (2004)
Mattias Larsson, Ana I. Domingos, Walton D. Jones, M. Eugenia Chiappe, Hubert Amrein, Leslie B. Vosshall.
Or83b encodes a broadly expressed odorant receptor essential for Drosophila olfaction
PMID: 15339651 (2004)
Andreas Keller, Leslie B Vosshall
A psychophysical test of the vibration theory of olfaction
PMID: 15034588 (2004)
Nature Neuroscience editorial about our paper
Wang JW, Wong AM, Flores J, Vosshall LB, Axel R.
Two-photon calcium imaging reveals an odor-evoked map of activity in the fly brain.
PMID: 12553914 (2003)
Hummel T, Vasconcelos ML, Clemens JC, Fishilevich Y, Vosshall LB, Zipursky SL
Axonal targeting of olfactory receptor neurons in Drosophila is controlled by dscam
PMID: 12546818 (2003)
Vosshall LB, Wong AM, Axel R
An olfactory sensory map in the fly brain
PMID: 10943836 (2000)
Rubin, GM, MD Yandell, JR Wortman, GLG Miklos, CR Nelson, IK Hariharan, ME Fortini, PW Li, R Apweiler, W Fleischmann, JM Cherry, S Henikoff, MP Skupski, S Misra, M Ashburner, E Birney, MS Boguski, T Brody, P Brokstein, SE Celniker, SA Chervitz, D Coates, A Cravchik, A Gabrielian, RF Galle, WM Gelbart, RA George, LSB Goldstein, NL Harris, B Hay, RA Hoskins, RO Hynes, SJM Jones, PM Kuehl, B Lemaitre, JT Littleton, DK Morrison, C Mungall, P O’Farrell, OK Pickeral, C Shue, LB Vosshall, J Zhang, R Gibbs, MD Adams, JC Venter, and S Lewis
Comparative genomics of the eukaryotes
PMID: 10731134 (2000)
Vosshall LB, Amrein H, Morozov PS, Rzhetsky A, Axel R
A spatial map of olfactory receptor expression in the Drosophila antenna
PMID: 10089887 (1999)
Vassar, R, SK Chao, R Sitcheran, J Nunez, LB Vosshall, R Axel
Topographic organization of sensory projections to the olfactory bulb
PMID: 8001145 (1994)
Vosshall LB, Young MW
Circadian rhythms in Drosophila can be driven by period expression in a restricted group of central brain cells
PMID: 7646889 (1995)
Vosshall LB, Price JL, Sehgal A, Saez L, Young MW
Block in nuclear localization of period protein by a second clock mutation, timeless
PMID: 8128247 (1994)
Baylies MK, Vosshall LB, Sehgal A, Young MW
New short period mutations of the Drosophila clock gene per
PMID: 1524831 (1992)
Neal, L.A., Vosshall, LB.
Eyeless worms detect color
PMID: 33674482 (2021)
Leslie B Vosshall
Catching plague locusts with their own scent
PMID: 32788700 (2020)
Benjamin J. Matthews, Leslie B. Vosshall
How to turn an organism into a model organism in 10 ‘easy’ steps
PMID: 32034051 (2020)
Leslie B Vosshall
Book review: No failure, no science
LB Vosshall
Commentary: Laying a controversial smell theory to rest
PMID: 26015552 (2015)
Leslie B. Vosshall
Editorial: The glacial pace of scientific publishing: Why it hurts everyone and what we can do to fix it
PMID: 22935905 (2012)
Andreas Keller
Different noses for different mice and men
PMID: 22908960 (2012)
Jennifer J Bussell, Leslie B Vosshall
Behavioral neuroscience: Learning to suckle with signature odor.
PMID: 23137683 (2012)
Leslie B. Vosshall, Bill S. Hansson
A unified nomenclature system for the insect olfactory coreceptor
PMID: 21441366 (2011)
Andreas Keller
Genes and smells
The Biochemical Society (2011)
Jennifer J. Bussell, Leslie B. Vosshall
Chemical ecology: Reprogramming a termite monarchy
PMID: 20720547 (2010)
Andreas Keller
Art exhibition: Shared resources
Maurizio Pellegrino, Takao Nakagawa, Leslie B. Vosshall
Single sensillum recordings in the insects Drosophila melanogaster and Anopheles gambiae
PMID: 20164822 (2010)
Takeshi Imai, Hitoshi Sakano, Leslie B. Vosshall
Topographic mapping – The olfactory system
PMID: 20554703 (2010)
Andreas Keller
Odor memories: The first sniff counts
PMID: 19922856 (2009)
Andreas Keller
Anthropology: The cooking ape
Book review (2009)
Leslie B. Vosshall, Matteo Carandini
Editorial overview: Sensory systems
PMID: 19717297 (2009)
Takao Nakagawa, Leslie B. Vosshall
Controversy and consensus: noncanonical signaling mechanisms in the insect olfactory system
PMID: 19660933 (2009)
Kazushige Touhara, Leslie B. Vosshall
Sensing odorants and pheromones with chemosensory receptors
PMID: 19575682 (2009)
Leslie B. Vosshall
Genetics of chemosensory transduction: taste and smell
in Bier, E. (ed.), The Legacy of Drosophila Genetics: From ‘defining the gene’ to ‘analyzing genome function’
The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection
Henry Stewart Talks Ltd., London (2008)
Andreas Keller
Physiology: Toward the dominance of vision?
Book review (2008)
Andreas Keller, Leslie B. Vosshall
Better smelling through genetics: mammalian odor perception
PMID: 18938244 (2008)
Leslie B. Vosshall
Minireview: Scent of a fly
PMID: 18786353 (2008)
Matthieu Louis, Silvia Piccinotti, Leslie B. Vosshall
High-resolution measurement of odor-driven behavior in Drosophila larvae
PMID: 19066557 (2008)
Leslie B. Vosshall
Into the mind of a fly
PMID: 17994085 (2007)
Andreas Keller
Drosophila melanogaster’s history as a human commensal
PMID: 17276902 (2007)
Kenta Asahina, Richard Benton
Smell and taste on a high: Symposium on chemical senses: From genes to perception
PMID: 17525750 (2007)
Jennifer E. Mehren
Mate recognition: Should fly stay or should fly go?
PMID: 17407751 (2007)
Leslie B. Vosshall, Reinhard F. Stocker
Molecular architecture of smell and taste in Drosophila
PMID: 17506643 (2007)
Richard Benton
On the ORigin of smell: odorant receptors in insects
PMID: 16786219 (2006)
Leslie B. Vosshall.
Social signals: The secret language of mice
PMID: 15823526 (2005)
Leslie B. Vosshall, Marcus C. Stensmyr.
Wake up and Smell the Pheromones
PMID: 15664166 (2005)
Keller A, LB Vosshall
Human olfactory psychophysics
PMID: 15498475 (2004)
Leslie B. Vosshall
Olfaction: attracting both sperm and the nose
PMID: 15530382 (2004)
Lauren Giarratani, Leslie B. Vosshall
Toward a molecular description of pheromone perception
PMID: 12971888 (2003)
Leslie B Vosshall
Putting smell on the map
PMID: 12689762 (2003)
Keller A, Vosshall LB
Decoding olfaction in Drosophila
PMID: 12593988 (2003)
Leslie B Vosshall
How the brain sees smells
PMID: 11709177 (2001)
Leslie B Vosshall
The molecular logic of olfaction in Drosophila
PMID: 11238253 (2001)
Vosshall LB
Olfaction in Drosophila
PMID: 10981620 (2000)
Young MW, Wager-Smith K, Vosshall L, Saez L, Myers MP
Molecular anatomy of a light-sensitive circadian pacemaker in Drosophila
PMID: 9246456 (1996)
Sehgal A, Man B, Price JL, Vosshall LB, Young MW
New clock mutations in Drosophila
PMID: 2006779 (1991)
Imai T, H Sakano, LB Vosshall. 2010.
Topographic mapping – the olfactory system
In Wiring the Brain: The Biology of Neuronal Guidance., AL Kolodkin and M Tessier-Lavigne (eds). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1;2(8):a001776 (2010)
Vosshall LB.
Olfactory/Gustatory Processing.
In Invertebrate Neurobiology, R. Greenspan and G. North (eds). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, pp.79-100 (2007)
Philippe P. Laissue, Leslie B. Vosshall
The Olfactory Sensory map in Drosophila
In Brain Development in Drosophila, G. Technau (ed). Landes Bioscience (2007)
Leslie B. Vosshall
Diversity and expression of odorant receptors in Drosophila
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