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Our scientists

The Rockefeller University Scientist

Rockefeller scientists ask questions that push the very boundaries of human knowledge.

Directory of Scientists

Jue Chen and Anthony Palillo talking in lab

Heads of Laboratories

Rockefeller is organized around 72 individual faculty members, each of whom run their own independent laboratory.

Research Affiliates

Non-tenured scientists who conduct notable research

Tri-Institutional & Adjunct Professors

Colleagues who have primary appointments elsewhere

Independent Fellows

Early-career scientists, pursuing investigations of their own design

Postdoctoral Trainees

Post-graduate scientists continuing their training in a Rockefeller lab

Emeritus Faculty

Retired Rockefeller faculty members who maintain ties to the community

Our Legacy of Scientists

Rockefeller invented the modern bioscience institute and has spent the last 123 years perfecting it.

History of Rockefeller

Established in 1901, the Rockefeller Institute for Biomedical Research was a revolutionary concept of the time: an institute dedicated to conducting research into the underlying causes of disease.

Awards and Prizes

Our record of achievement is in a league of its own: 26 Nobel Prizes, 25 Lasker Awards, and 20 National Medals of Science. Nearly 50 percent are members or foreign associates of the National Academy of Sciences.
Charles M. Rice

Charles M. Rice


Science is a very dynamic enterprise; nothing stays the same for long. But Rockefeller's people are fantastic in supporting that. It all fits together to make this a wonderful place to do science.

Faculty Recruitment

Our open faculty searches run twice a year, in the spring and fall. We look to recruit the best, brightest, and most innovative scientists in the world, regardless of field.

Clinical Research

Rockefeller has a strong tradition of translational science—nearly half of the university’s laboratories conduct studies on human subjects. The exceptional resources at The Rockefeller University Hospital allow our scientists to conduct clinical research that would be difficult to do anywhere else.

Faculty in their Own Words

Some of our newest faculty members discuss what makes Rockefeller such a fertile environment for their scientific inquiry.