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New findings add depth to our understanding of neurodegeneration.

Telomerase could run amok, deleteriously capping damaged DNA, were it not for a first responder to DNA damage.

Marraffini is honored for his pioneering research on the study of CRISPR-Cas systems.

A newly discovered neural circuit mediates between navigational brain cells, acting as a sort of mental steering wheel. 

The absence of a single immune cell receptor has been linked to both fewer defenses against mycobacterial infections, such as TB, and damaging buildup of sticky residue in the lungs.  

A class of ineffective immune cells may be driving Alzheimer’s disease, a finding that could both explain why APOE4 gene increases the risk of the disease and why a new drug can impact it.

LINE-1 is associated with disease and aging. The Rout lab has uncloaked the core of its key protein, pointing the way towards therapeutic targets.

She was known by her colleagues for both her committed professionalism and her generous spirit.

Luciano Marraffini’s research helped lay the groundwork for the newly FDA-approved CRISPR-based therapy for sickle cell anemia. He reflects on how we got here—and where the science is going next.

It also reduces the cost of a million single-cell transcriptomes from $10,000 to $700—and the time necessary down to about a day.