Service Desk
Located on the 2nd floor and open M—F, 9 a.m.—5 p.m.
Please stop by to register your ID for borrowing at the Tri-Institutional libraries and using the self-checkout stations.
Primo Search
Search the print and electronic collections of the Rockefeller, WCM, and MSK libraries in one place. Link directly to thousands of e-books and e-journals:
Need an article?
If we do not have the article or book that you need, e-mail us the details and we will get the item free of charge through our interlibrary loan system. Articles usually arrive within two to three days; books take a bit longer, about one week:
Let us know how we can help, books you would like to see us purchase, recommendations, etc. We look forward to your feedback:
Visiting the Library
The library is accessible 24/7/365 with a Rockefeller ID card. For individuals coming from MSKCC or WCM, access to the 2nd floor and Level B is limited to M—F, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Desktops: Four PCs and four iMacs are located on the 2nd floor. All computers are fully networked and have Microsoft Office.
The entirety of Welch Hall is Wi-Fi enabled.
The Rita & Frits Markus Library has a Konica Minolta C250i located in the Main Reading Room on second floor of the library.
- Black & White 0.5 cents per page
- Color .20 cents per page
- Scan to email is free
Copy cards can be purchased at the circulation desk in the Main Reading Room.
Locating Books
Look for the call number and location of the book you want in Primo. In general:
- A—QU = Level
- QV—Z = 2nd floor
- Recreational = Lounge, 2nd floor
Conference Rooms
The library offers two small rooms for group study and one conference room. They can be reserved by e-mailing library staff:
Student Lockers
Lockers are offered only to Rockefeller University graduate students and postdocs. They are located on Level A. Apply for a locker assignment at the library service desk on the 2nd floor.
Electronic Resources
- Web of Science. Core Collection
- SciFinder
- Scopus
- F1000 Prime
- Digital Commons@ RU
- PubMed: Please contact the library for assistance with myNCBI and config uring PubMed for easier access to our content.
Books, E-books, E-journals, Kindles
The library has over 44,000 print books, access to 215,000 e-books, 76,000 e-journals and 200+ books on Kindles. Links to these e-resources are through Primo Search:
Full Text Button
Click the “Full Text” button in many of our databases to connect to the full text or request an interlibrary loan. 
Remote Access
Gain access to library resources off campus by using virtual private network (VPN) software:
NIH Public Access Policy and PubMed Central
The NIH Public Access Policy ensures that the public has access to the published results of NIH funded research. It requires scientists to submit journal articles that arise from NIH funds to the digital archive PubMed Central. The policy requires that these articles be accessible to the public on PubMed Central to help advance science and improve human health.
For assistance with complying with NIH Public Access Policy or submitting publications to NIHMS, contact:
Welch Hall Floor by Floor
Third Floor
Library staff offices
Rare Book collection
Second Floor
Books: QV-Z
Main reading room
Lounge and recreational reading
Reference collection
Rockefeller thesis collection (1959-1999)
Large group study room
Study alcoves
Self-checkout station
Public PC and iMac stations
First Floor
Great Hall
Audubon Room
Allen R. Adler Room
A Level
Study lounge
Two small group study rooms
IT training/classroom
Student lockers
Vending machines
Reference collection (2000- present)
B Level
Books: A-QU
Self-checkout station