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Paul Bieniasz elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Bieniasz is being honored for his work on the life cycle of retroviruses and their interactions with host proteins. With his election, nearly half of Rockefeller faculty are NAS members.

Rockefeller joins city partnership to reduce carbon footprint

As part of the Plant-Powered Carbon Challenge, the university will offer more plant-based dining options on campus.

Newly discovered brain pathway sheds light on addiction

The findings in mice may explain how addictive drugs hijack natural reward processing systems, creating the urge to use while throwing natural urges to eat and drink off-kilter.

Svetlana Mojsov named one of TIME100 Most Influential People of 2024

The annual list honors artists, innovators, leaders, and pioneers in a variety of fields.

Rockefeller holds annual Employee Anniversary Celebration

The university celebrated staff and faculty who retired or reached notable work anniversaries in 2023.

Why some people with rheumatoid arthritis have pain without inflammation

Researchers have identified a suite of genes explaining the disconnect between diagnosis and symptom.

New technique sheds light on memory and learning

The findings may also have implications for learning and memory disorders, including Fragile X syndrome.

How one scientist's fascination with RNA changed medicine forever

Thomas Tuschl has devoted his career to making discoveries that bridge the gap between bench and business—and have resulted in entirely new classes of drugs.

Stem cell model offers first glimpse of early human development

The new platform’s ethically grounded approach promises to reveal much about how human embryos form during the earliest stages of pregnancy.

Theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli receives 2024 Lewis Thomas Prize

The author of There Are Places in the World Where Rules Are Less Important Than Kindness was presented with Rockefeller’s prestigious science writing award on April 9.