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New genetic tool could identify drug targets for diseases associated with metabolic dysfunction

A novel platform for identifying metabolic gene functions has already revealed interactions between proteins and metabolites that are fundamental to cell metabolism.

Asexual reproduction usually leads to a lack of genetic diversity. Not for these ants.

Parthenogenic species must compensate for their limited gene pool or risk extinction.

Researchers capture never-before-seen view of gene transcription

New tech reveals findings that address long-standing theories about how bacteria begin the process of making RNA from DNA.

Light-weight microscope captures large-scale brain activity of mice on the move

With a new microscope that's as light as a penny, researchers can now observe broad swaths of the brain in action as mice move about and interact with their environments.

Surprising origins for a rare cancer

An unexpected discovery may pave the way to better treatments for a broad range of cancers.

What we need to worry about with avian flu—and what we don’t 

Since first detected in birds in 2021, avian flu has killed millions of poultry and infected animals once thought to be immune. What early warning signs could point to an increasing risk for humans?

Key mechanism for maintaining proper telomere length identified 

New findings describe how the enzyme CST is recruited to the end of the telomere, where it maintains telomere length with the help of subtle chemical changes made to the protein POT1.

AI could accelerate drug discovery. But only if we can trust it.

The advent of AlphaFold3 could be an unprecedented boon for drug development. Computational biologist Jiankun Lyu discusses the pros and cons of the tech, and his work analyzing the algorithm.

How memories crystallize over time

“Practice makes perfect” is no mere cliché. It's neuroscience.

Researchers may have found an Achilles heel for hepatitis B

New understanding of how the virus replicates could lead to new therapeutic targets for HBV.

Newly discovered brain pathway sheds light on addiction

The findings in mice may explain how addictive drugs hijack natural reward processing systems, creating the urge to use while throwing natural urges to eat and drink off-kilter.

Why some people with rheumatoid arthritis have pain without inflammation

Researchers have identified a suite of genes explaining the disconnect between diagnosis and symptom.

New technique sheds light on memory and learning

The findings may also have implications for learning and memory disorders, including Fragile X syndrome.

Stem cell model offers first glimpse of early human development

The new platform’s ethically grounded approach promises to reveal much about how human embryos form during the earliest stages of pregnancy.

New Mtb study offers a novel paradigm for understanding bacterial transcription

A novel sequencing technique reveals a genetic trick TB may be using to evade the immune system and resist antibiotics.

A pioneering way to target the culprit behind a deadly liver cancer

Researchers have translated a cutting-edge tactic for treating genetic disorders into a fresh approach for potentially stymying cancer.  

Vitamin A may play a central role in stem cell biology and wound repair

Retinoic acid, the active state of Vitamin A, appears to regulate how stem cells enter and exit a transient state central to their role in wound repair.

New study on mating behaviors offers clues into the evolution of attraction

In examining the mating rituals of roundworms, researchers uncovered a unique approach to reproduction that maximizes genetic fitness.

Universal tool for tracking cell-to-cell interactions

uLIPSTIC, an updated method for directly observing physical interactions between cells, could allow scientists to one day map every possible cell interaction.

Innovative microscopy tech answers fundamental questions

A powerful tool captures data from an unprecedented 1 million neurons simultaneously, painting a much fuller picture of brain dynamics.

Rogue enzymes cause numerous diseases. A new method could help design drugs to treat them.

A novel platform allows researchers to directly target enzymes implicated in infectious diseases, several genetic disorders, and some cancers for the first time.

Double trouble at chromosome ends

The end replication problem dictates that telomeres shrink unless telomerase intervenes. But the problem is actually twice as complicated, with telomerase providing only part of the solution.

Cutting-edge methods yield surprising insights into Huntington’s disease

New findings add depth to our understanding of neurodegeneration.

Keeping telomerase in check

Telomerase could run amok, deleteriously capping damaged DNA, were it not for a first responder to DNA damage.

How fruit flies control the brain's "steering wheel"

A newly discovered neural circuit mediates between navigational brain cells, acting as a sort of mental steering wheel. 

Newly discovered genetic malfunction causes rare lung disease

The absence of a single immune cell receptor has been linked to both fewer defenses against mycobacterial infections, such as TB, and damaging buildup of sticky residue in the lungs.  

"Exhausted" immune cells may drive Alzheimer's

A class of ineffective immune cells may be driving Alzheimer’s disease, a finding that could both explain why APOE4 gene increases the risk of the disease and why a new drug can impact it.

Revealing how an ancient genetic invader inhabits our DNA

LINE-1 is associated with disease and aging. The Rout lab has uncloaked the core of its key protein, pointing the way towards therapeutic targets.

A CRISPR pioneer looks back as the first gene-editing therapy is approved

Luciano Marraffini’s research helped lay the groundwork for the newly FDA-approved CRISPR-based therapy for sickle cell anemia. He reflects on how we got here—and where the science is going next.

Innovative method identifies rare brain cell types for the first time

It also reduces the cost of a million single-cell transcriptomes from $10,000 to $700—and the time necessary down to about a day.