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Cancer stem cells are fueled through dialogue with their environments

The findings suggest that many of the mutations in cancer may simply be setting in stone a path already forged by the tumor stem cell’s aberrant dialogue with its surroundings.

Ant pupae secrete fluid as "milk" to nurture young larvae

This newly discovered “social fluid” appears to unite ant colonies across developmental stages into one superorganism.

A new institute devoted to research on global infectious disease is funded by a $75 million grant

Rockefeller’s new Stavros Niarchos Foundation Institute for Global Infectious Disease Research will provide a framework for international scientific collaboration.

Eight Rockefeller scientists designated most influential researchers

Clarivate, a British analytics company, recognizes individuals "who demonstrate significant and broad influence among their peers in their chosen field or fields of research."

From the piano bench to the lab bench

Gabriel D. Victora is unlocking the mysteries of how the body generates antibodies to defend itself from pathogens. But there was a time when science was not even on his radar.

Promising new drug target for a rare liver cancer

Fibrolamellar carcinoma needs one specific mutation in order to thrive, and impeding it reduces tumor growth in mice.

Fruit flies move their retinas much like humans move their eyes

Insects cannot move their eyes the way humans do during a tennis game. But new research suggests fruit flies evolved a different strategy to adjust their vision without moving their heads.

New evidence of biochemical states and force working in concert

When an actin filament bends during cell movement, older actin deforms differently than newer actin, allowing regulatory proteins to tell the two states apart.

Mathematical modeling suggests counties are still unprepared for COVID spikes

If jurisdictions plan to share resources in advance, the study concludes, this could prevent one rare event from overwhelming a county or state.

Shixin Liu wins 2023 Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science

Liu is one of four scientists across the country to receive the prestigious prize, which recognizes scientists who have immigrated to the United States for early-career contributions.