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Antibody and Bioresource Core Facility

The Antibody and Bioresource Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017847) supports Rockefeller University (RU) and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) researchers by making it easier for them to develop custom monoclonal antibodies that meet their scientific needs.

In addition, the staff assumes the burden of distributing published cell lines developed at RU and MSK to the larger scientific community.  This not only allows researchers to avoid spending their resources sharing their cell lines, but also promotes the reproducibility of RU scientific discoveries by ensuring that these tangible research materials are authenticated and quality controlled.

The resource center makes it easier for researcher to monitor their cell culture for mycoplasma contamination with a weekly testing service.

This facility is designed to be both an informational resource as well as a group that provides services for a fee.  

 RU and MSK researchers have equal priority to the resource center’s support.

RU researchers pay for services rendered using the standard internal transfer mechanism (PTAEO numbers).


Rockefeller University location:
D.W. Bronk 415

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center location:
Zuckerman Research Center 1551/1553

Zuckerman Research Center 1563

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