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Displaying 5 of 184 events.

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Muscle Making and Muscle Breaking: From Developmental Mechanisms to New Therapies for Muscle and Heart Disease

Harvey Society
Eric Olson, Ph.D., professor and chair, department of molecular biology, University of Texas, Southwestern

Opening Windows into the Cell: Brining Structure to Cell Biology Using Cryo-Electron Tomography

Harvey Society
Elizabeth Villa, Ph.D., professor of molecular biology, University of California, San Diego; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

How Basic Science Led to Treatment of a Deadly Heart Disease

Harvey Society
Leslie Leinwand, Ph.D., professor, department of molecular, cellular and developmental biology, University of Colorado; professor, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Overcoming the Undruggable Nature of the Most Common Human Oncogene: KRAS

Harvey Society
Kevan Shokat, Ph.D., professor and vice-chair, department of cellular and molecular pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco; professor of chemistry, University of California, Berkeley; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Homeoboxes in the Nervous System

Harvey Society
Oliver Hobert, Ph.D., professor of biological sciences, Columbia University; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

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