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Maryam Aslam
Maryam Aslam
Research Assistant
Maryam Aslam (she/her) joined the Darnell Lab as a research assistant in summer 2022. Her research interests lie in intercellular and extracellular signaling in pathologic versus normal conditions.
Henah Balkhi
Syed Henah Balkhi
Research Assistant
Born and raised in Kashmir, Henah earned her PhD from the University of Kashmir, focusing on Cancer Cell Biology, exploring therapeutic strategies targeting multiple pathways in Glioma. In her current role at the Darnell Lab, she studies molecular mechanisms responsible for the phenotypic expressions of Rheumatoid Arthritis, with a long-term goal of delving deeper into the cellular and molecular foundations of autoimmune diseases. Outside the scientific sphere, Henah finds artistic fulfillment through abstract painting and calligraphy. Additionally, her love for cooking and baking extends to preparing traditional Kashmiri dishes. Moreover, she actively dedicates to teaching science to students from underprivileged backgrounds.
Nathalie Blachere
Nathalie Blachere
Senior Research Associate
Nathalie received her Ph.D. in Cellular Biology and Immunology from Fordham University in 1998, joined the Darnell lab in 2000 and is currently a Senior Research Associate. Her research involves studying mechanisms underlying autoimmunity and tumor immunity in diseases such as Paraneoplastic Neurologic Disorders and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Favorite pastimes outside the lab include cooking, knitting and bicycling.
Erin Conlon
Erin Conlon
Postdoctoral Associate
Erin completed her PhD studies in the laboratory of Jim Manley at Columbia University. Her research interests center on the regulation of gene expression in the brain through the actions of multi-RNA binding protein assemblies that are prone to aggregation. She is investigating how combinatorial miRNA-associated protein complexes can effect differential outcomes of mRNA translation and decay in neurons. Outside the lab, she enjoys going to shows with friends, traveling, rowing and running.
Marie Hele Curry
Marie Helen Curry
Laboratory Administrator
Marie received her MPA from Baruch College in 2017 and has been a member of the Rockefeller community for 20 years. She joined the Darnell lab as the Lab Administrator in 2018. She enjoys walking the 59th Street bridge every day and also enjoys travelling to Ireland to see family.
Robert B. Darnell
Robert B. Darnell
Professor, Head of Laboratory
Dr. Darnell is a physician scientist who has pioneered next-generation approaches to understanding RNA genomics in human disease. His research interests began with studies of naturally occurring tumor immunity, autoimmunity, and neurodegeneration present in patients with rare brain disorders. His lab discovered the existence of neuron-specific systems for RNA regulation in the brain and subsequently developed new molecular approaches (CLIP) to understand their role in neurons and their link to intellectual function and human disease. Dr. Darnell joined Rockefeller University in 1992 as Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Neuro-Oncology and is currently a senior physician at Rockefeller University Hospital. In 2002, he became the Robert and Harriet Heilbrunn Professor of Cancer Biology and an Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). Dr. Darnell is Founding Director and CEO Emeritus of the New York Genome Center, and is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine (2010), the National Academy of Sciences (2014), and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2019).
Okawa May Frank
Mayu Okawa Frank
Clinical Research Nurse Practitioner
Mayu is a nurse practitioner and has been with the Darnell lab since 1999. As a clinical researcher, her projects focuses on developing and expanding clinical uses of constitutional and cancer genomics across different patient populations. In her spare time she enjoys going on road trips with her family.
Fatma Hacisuleyman
Ezgi Hacisuleyman
Postdoctoral Associate
Ezgi has been a postdoctoral associate in the Darnell lab since December 2017. She received her Ph.D. from Harvard University and transitioned to Jonathan Weissman’s lab as a postdoctoral fellow for one and a half years. After developing a proximity-based ribosome profiling approach in the Weissman lab, she moved to the Darnell group to utilize her method to understand localized RNA and translational dynamics in neurons. Outside of science, she enjoys playing the violin, painting, and discovering the house music scene in NYC.
Krithi Irmady
Krithi Irmady
Instructor in Clinical Investigation
Krithi joined the Darnell lab in 2017 as a Clinical Scholar and Instructor in Clinical Investigation after completing her neurology residency at Yale University. She is currently a movement disorders fellow at Columbia University. Her research focuses on understanding the mechanisms of RNA regulation in Parkinson’s disease. When not working, she enjoys traveling, reading and bird-watching.
Emily McKiernan
Emily McKiernan
Research Assistant
Emily received her B.A. in Cell and Molecular Biology from Barnard College where her research focused on testing the efficacy of small molecule inhibitor drugs against virus-associated lymphoproliferative disorders. She joined the Darnell Lab in June 2023 as a research assistant. Aside from her research, Emily enjoys attending a variety of dance and theatre performances in the city.
Daniel Oh picture
Daniel Oh
Graduate Fellow
Daniel graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park and joined the Darnell lab as a graduate student in 2022. He is co-mentored with Dr. Nathaniel Heintz. His research focuses on uncovering cell type-specific RBP-mediated RNA regulation in human brain samples. Outside the lab, he enjoys running in the city and practicing his archery skills.
Dana Orange
Dana Orange
Chapman-Perelman Assistant Professor of Clinical Investigation
Dana Orange graduated from Cornell University where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. She received her medical degree from Weill Cornell Medical College, elected there to Alpha Omega Alpha. She trained as an intern, resident and assistant chief resident in Internal Medicine at New York Presbyterian Hospital, Cornell Campus and completed a rheumatology fellowship at Hospital Special Surgery where she is currently appointed as Assistant Attending. She joined Rockefeller University as a Clinical Scholar and is now Assistant Professor of Clinical Investigation, Chief Rockefeller Early Phase Physician Scientist, and Co-Chair of the Association of Clinical and Translational Science Committee. She focuses on applying cellular immunology and longitudinal genomics to gain insights into rheumatologic disease.
Salina Parveen
Salina Parveen
Research Specialist
Salina received her Master’s from Kagawa University, Japan and joined the Darnell Lab in 2006. She is currently working on a clinical research study involving genomics. During her down time, she is an avid yogi and a rising star at Tim’s gym fitness classes!
Rizwana Qadri
Rizwana Qadri
Research Assistant
Rizwana earned her PhD from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Her thesis focused on the functional status of mitochondria in Parkinson’s disease. She joined the Darnell lab in June, 2019. Her current research focuses on RNA regulation and Parkinson’s disease. When she is off the bench, she is surely in her kitchen exploring new recipes with her husband and trying to perfect the art of Kashmiri cuisine.
Veronika Rajchin
Veronika Rajchin
Research Assistant
Born and raised in Macedonia, Veronika graduated from CCNY in 2022, and shortly after joined the Darnell lab as a Research Assistant. She is currently working on understanding the mechanisms underlying RBP-mediated RNA regulation in synaptic plasticity and memory formation. In her free time, she enjoys going to concerts and bike riding.
Sitsandziwe Simelane
Sitsandziwe Simelane
Research Assistant
Sitsandziwe graduated from Luther College in Decorah, IA, and joined the Darnell Lab as a research assistant in October 2022. She has always been interested in working with Parkinson’s Disease, which she got introduced to in college, and is excited to be working on the mechanisms of RNA regulation in Parkinson’s Disease. In the near future, she hopes to pursue graduate studies in Molecular Neuroscience. Outside the lab, she enjoys listening to audiobooks and podcasts, baking, and outdoor picnics.
Ruth Singer
Ruth Singer
Postdoctoral Associate
Ruth received her Ph.D. from the Columbia University and joined the Darnell lab as a postdoctoral associate in 2019. Her research focuses on understanding the mechanisms of RBP-mediated RNA regulation in synaptic plasticity. While not at the bench she enjoys cycling around NYC and playing with her son, Abe and her dog, Mia.
Siman Sun
Graduate Fellow
Siman received her Bachelor of Medicine from the Peking University and joined the Darnell lab as a graduate student in 2022. Her research focuses on understanding the mechanisms of translational regulation in cancer. While not at the bench she enjoys rock-climbing and dancing.
Yoko Tajima
Yoko Tajima
Postdoctoral Associate
Yoko received her Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo in Japan before joining the Darnell lab. Her research focuses on understanding the function of RBP and evaluating its evolutionary significance in brain.

Contact Us

Laboratory of Molecular Neuro-oncology
Theobald Smith Hall
The Rockefeller University
1230 York Ave.
New York, NY 10065

Ms. Helen Marie Curry
Lab Administrator

Robert B. Darnell, M.D., Ph.D.
Robert and Harriet Heilbrunn Professor