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Leslie B. Vosshall, the 2011 Gill Young Investigator Award from the Linda and Jack Gill Center for Biomolecular Science at Indiana University, Bloomington. The award recognizes exceptional scientists who have emerged as international leaders in cellular, membrane or molecular neuroscience. Dr. Vosshall is Robin Chemers Neustein Professor and head of the Laboratory of Neurogenetics and Behavior, as well as a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator.

Michael W. Young, the 2011 Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize from Columbia University. He shares the prize with Jeffrey C. Hall and Michael Rosbash for their work on the molecular basis of circadian rhythms, the first demonstration of a molecular mechanism for behavior. The Horwitz Prize recognizes outstanding basic research in the fields of biology or biochemistry. Dr. Young is Richard and Jeanne Fisher Professor and head of the Laboratory of Genetics.


Cori Bargmann, associate member of the European Molecular Biology Organization, which promotes excellence in and helps shape the direction of molecular life sciences in Europe. Dr. Bargmann is Torsten N. Wiesel Professor and head of the Lulu and Anthony Wang Laboratory of Neural Circuits and Behavior, as well as a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator.

Marc Tessier-Lavigne, to the Institute of Medicine, the health and medicine branch of the National Academy of Sciences. Sixteen Rockefeller University scientists are Institute of Medicine members. Dr. Tessier-Lavigne is head of the Laboratory of Brain Development and Repair.


Jeffrey M. Friedman, to the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Alumni Hall of Fame. Dr. Friedman, a 1977 graduate of RPI, is Marilyn M. Simpson Professor and head of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, as well as a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator.

Gaby Maimon, one of Popular Science magazine’s “Brilliant Ten,” a selection of promising young researchers under 40 who represent the best of what science can achieve. Dr. Maimon was profiled in the September issue of the magazine. He is head of the Laboratory of Integrative Brain Function.


Bushra Amreen, research assistant, Konarska Lab.
Ursula Andreo, postdoctoral associate, Rice Lab.
Karen Andres, development assistant I, Development.
Sandra Appadu, visiting student, McEwen Lab.
Bartlomiej Blus, postdoctoral associate, Blobel Lab.
Cordula Boehm, visiting fellow, Rout Lab.
Pamela Carpentier, associate editor, JCB, Rockefeller University Press.
Zachary Charlop-Powers, postdoctoral associate, Brady Lab.
Gist Croft, postdoctoral associate, Brivanlou Lab.
Christopher Cush, mail room clerk, Mail Room.
Julien Dervaux, postdoctoral fellow, Libchaber Lab.
Margaret Ebert, postdoctoral associate, Bargmann Lab.
Caroline Eden, research assistant, Nussenzweig Lab.
Hampus Edgren, foreign research intern, Stebbins Lab.
Robyn Eisert, postdoctoral associate, Hang Lab.
Felix Evers, foreign research intern, Stebbins Lab.
Ingrid Fetter Pruneda, visiting student, Kronauer Lab.
Natalia Freund, postdoctoral associate, Nussenzweig Lab.
Maura Gilmartin, senior grants management specialist, Sponsored Research and Program Development.
Simona Giunta, postdoctoral associate, Funabiki Lab.
Jason Gray, postdoctoral fellow, McEwen Lab.
Qi Hao, visiting student, Kapoor Lab.
Margaret Herre, research assistant, Robert Darnell Lab.
Robert Houghtaling, special events coordinator, Communications and Public Affairs.
Karin Hultman, postdoctoral fellow, Strickland Lab.
Heeun Jang, postdoctoral associate, Bargmann Lab.
Yildiz Kelahmetoglu, research assistant, Greengard Lab.
Sarah Klass, administrative assistant, Leibler Lab.
Ralph Kleiner, postdoctoral fellow, Kapoor Lab.
Matthew Koletsky, research assistant, Allis Lab.
Carl Leonhardt, foreign research intern, Tuschl Lab.
Wei Li, postdoctoral fellow, Chua Lab.
Sean Low, postdoctoral associate, Hudspeth Lab.
Jose Marques Lopes, visiting fellow, McEwen Lab.
Henrik Molina, research assistant professor and director, Proteomics Resource Center.
Daniel Neer, office administrator, General Counsel.
Hanna Ning, foreign research intern, Krueger Lab.
Mary O’Donnell, human resources generalist, Human Resources.
Anna Olofsson, foreign research intern, Casanova Lab.
Kimberly Olsen, senior research associate, Tessier-Lavigne Lab.
Dominik Paquet, postdoctoral fellow, Tessier-Lavigne Lab.
Maria Pardos de la Gandara, postdoctoral associate, Tomasz Lab.
John Pena, visiting fellow, Tuschl Lab.
Alexander Petroff, fellow in physics and biology, Center for Theoretical Studies.
Vanessa Ruta, assistant professor and head of laboratory, Ruta Lab.
Sabrina Sell, visiting student, Nussenzweig Lab.
Ji-Seon Seo, postdoctoral associate, Greengard Lab.
Dese’Rae Stage, administrative assistant, Libchaber Lab.
Hanna Sundelin, visiting student, McEwen Lab.
Bryan Utter, postdoctoral associate, Fischetti Lab.
Maria Valerio, animal health technician I, Comparative Bioscience Center.
Ellen van Wilgenburg, visiting fellow, Kronauer Lab.
Shali Zhang, visiting medical student, Krueger Lab.
Pingzhi Zhao, visiting student, Chua Lab.
Orlee Zorbaron, laboratory administrator, Roeder Lab.

Promoted (academic appointments):

Stephanie Boisson-Dupuis, to senior research associate, Casanova Lab.
Edgar Charles, to assistant professor of clinical investigation, Rice Lab.
Ivan Marazzi, to research associate, Tarakhovsky Lab.
Peter Stavropoulos, to research associate, Papavasiliou Lab.