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Event Detail (Archived)

Supracellular Organization of Morphogenesis: Epigenetics Beyond the Cell

  • This event already took place in February 2024
  • Carson Family Auditorium (CRC)

Event Details

Monday Lecture Series
Amy Shyer, Ph.D., assistant professor and head, Laboratory of Morphogenesis, The Rockefeller University
Speaker bio(s)

Amy E. Shyer earned her B.S. in Psychobiology from University of California, Los Angeles where she began her research career studying synaptic transmission in Drosophila. For her Ph.D. at Harvard, she bridged experimental developmental biology with biophysics through work with developmental geneticist Cliff Tabin and applied mathematician L. Mahadevan. As a Miller Research Fellow at University of California, Berkeley she worked with the labs of Richard Harland and Sanjay Kumar, intersecting embryology with bioengineering tools to expose novel relationships between genomic regulation and morphogenesis. In 2018, she joined The Rockefeller University as an assistant professor and head of the Laboratory of Morphogenesis. In addition to being named a Searle Scholar, Shyer has received a Burroughs Wellcome Career Award at the Scientific Interface and an NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, among other honors.

MLS lectures are only open to the RU community and will be taking place in Carson Family Auditorium and virtually via Zoom. Virtual participants are required to log in with their RU Zoom account and use their RU email address and password for authentication. We recommend signing out of VPN prior to logging in to the lecture. Please do not share the link or post on social media.

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