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Phase-In Facts

Helping children to form new relationships and say good-bye to their parents is a key component in the program, and paves the way for future successful transitions as well. For this reason, we ask parents to spend time with their child at the CFC during the first weeks each year, helping their child to establish trusting relationships with their new teachers. For the infants and toddlers, teachers will observe and ask questions while the parents are still caring for the child. During this phase-in period, children attend in small groups for increasing periods of time until they are staying for the whole day.

For all the children, the amount of time that parents will be required to stay in the room depends on the child’s own temperament, development, previous experience with child care, and the parents’ feelings about the separation. As time at the CFC increases, parents leave for short periods of time, gradually extending the time the child spends at the center without them.

For the 2023-2024 school year: the first day of school will be Tuesday, 9/5/23, which will be phase-in day 1. Any child who starts their schoolyear at a different time will also do a phase-in, and the dates will be adjusted to the same general timeframe.

Returning CFC Children (PDF)

New CFC Children (PDF)

The T-shirt Shop

The T-shirt Shop sells Rockefeller University branded clothing and other items such as mugs, backpacks, pens and notebooks.

The proceeds of the T-shirt shop benefit the Rockefeller University Child and Family Center.

Tuesdays: 12:00pm–12:30pm
Wednesdays: 12:30pm–1:00pm.
Can also be opened by appointment.

1st floor of the Rockefeller Research Building

For questions, to purchase items for an event, to suggest new items, or to volunteer in the shop (CFC parents) please contact: